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Pain Killers are Best in Moderation
    Pain killers can be of huge benefit in cases of back pain, neck pain, headache and the list goes on… The benefits received from pain killers are best experienced by following the prescribed ...
Healthy Pelvis for a Comfortable Pregnancy and Birth
There is a very intimate relationship between the pelvis of a pregnant woman and the birth canal. The bony structures of the pelvis are both directly and indirectly connected to the uterus through a system ...
Good Balance is Vital for Good Health
Being confident on your feet and having good balance is incredibly important. This is especially true for those in our aging population. Poor proprioception, a medical term for body awareness and balance, is a prominent ...
Watch Your Back
Low Back Pain is now Australia’s mostly costly disease! It costs Australia in treatment, it costs Australia in time off work and costs Australia in huge insurance premiums. It will affect more than 70% of ...
What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
A Chiropractic adjustment is a powerful thing. It is the main tool a Chiropractor uses in their treatment ‘toolbox’ and it not only feels good but it is highly therapeutic. It is one of the ...
Attack of the Skinny Jeans: A Cause of Meraligia Parasthetica
Although they are at the height of fashion and look fabulous, skinny jeans may be a risk to our health. Including, being a cause of a little syndrome called Meraligia Parasthetica. Which is now increasingly ...
Spinal Health: Is Sitting The New Smoking?
Sitting down for extended periods of time has the same detrimental effects on our health as smoking. It’s time for us to stand up (no pun intended) as a population and DO something about our ...
Panadol, No Good for Your Back.
Last week an Australian lead study by the George Institute in Sydney has  shown that paracetamol is not all its cracked up to be. This new finding  highlights how little is known about low back ...
Ten Foods for Healthy Bones (Dairy Free)
It is well known that calcium and vitamin D are very important for maintaining strong healthy bones and warning off nasty conditions such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.  But I wanted to let you know it ...
Spinal Health: Stretching Out With Local Kids.
Recently I had the joy of spending time with the lovely children and parents at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre Play Group. The New Farm Neighbourhood Centre does an amazing job in our community. Each week ...